Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ebola Virus

Someone recently asked my feelings on the Ebola outbreak...I let this person know that obviously I have concern...but in the same's confirming what I already knew... "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet....for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and diseases, and earthquakes, in many places...all these are the beginning of sorrows" ~ remember. His word in Psalms 91: "If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home.... for he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go" sister the end is near...the question is not in which state or city will Ebola show up next, but rather do you know Jesus in the pardon of your sin ...there's still room @the cross #choose Christ for your life

Saturday, October 11, 2014

It hurts, but I'm healed

Back when I was 12 years old, I broke my clavicle while playing little league football. That was the most excruciating pain that I have ever experienced this side of heaven.  I traveled from the football field to my dad's car, from my dad's car, to our house, from our house to the hospital. I was heavily sedated which allowed  the surgeons to aligne my collarbone. Once they did that, my arm was placed in a cast. After all that, I didn't think I would recover or make it here I am 28 years later.  Just this morning I had sharp pains streaking through that same shoulder that I broke 28 years ago.  One would think that after things got better or when healing takes place the painful memory would go away....the truth of the matter is, it doesn't.  I have not learned how to ignore the pain, but rather how to face it and overcome it.  Overcoming it means that I refuse to allow what happened to me be the reason I give up and throw in the towel. You may not have experienced what I did, but whatever or whoever  caused you pain can only hold you captive if you let them. Release the hurts sometimes, but you're healed...get better not bitter.
AG Wells


Our generation has fallen in love with taking pictures of itself and interestingly enough we call them "selfies" - Have we fallen in love with ourselves or is it just a simple post of a picture?  I mean do we forget what we look like after we look in the mirror? Do we even look in mirrors anymore? I wouldn't be surprised if they start building homes without mirrors....I mean a selfie is actual proof that we are swiftly moving in a direction in which all that men, women, boys and girls desire is right in the palm of their hands. It's their hand which symbolizes total control or individuals becoming self sufficient or selfish....oh there it is, "selfie" could it be that we love ourselves more than we love God? I read, "In the last days difficult times will come, people will become lovers of themselves,  lovers of money,  boastful,  proud, abusive, disobedient to parents,  ungrateful...." that says a lot, but the part I focused on was "lovers of themselves" - everything else is relevant too -  Is this generation  obsessed with itself?  Selfish people seldom share or think of others...and hold their phones to close to their face to see what anyone else is saying...selfish selfies secretly satify someone that's afraid to look in the mirror.  
AG Wells