Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Obscruity and Notoriety

From the days of our youth, we have a desire to be seen, heard or recognized. We push pass our siblings to show mom and dad the smiley face the teacher wrote on our classwork. It feels good to be recognized - as a matter of fact, in a recent poll, employees across the nation were asked, what is most important to you in relation to your place of employment - surprisingly, next to money was recognition from their managers and/or supervisors. Spiritually it's quite the opposite - God often unveils before he reveals. What I mean by that is evident in scripture, "Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt you in due season." Interestingly it doesn't say mom, dad, brother, sister, grandparents or co-workers - the scripture says - "humble yourself" I think about King David - David was anointed at 15 but did not possess the office or position of king until he was 30....don't forget Moses - left Egypt at 40 years old, was in the desert for 40 years and at 80 years old...yes a 40 year wait...went back to Pharaoh proclaiming, "Let my people go" - and last but not lease, Jesus Christ (Lord and Savior) at 12 years old he was found by His mother and Joseph holding an amazing conversation with grown men, articulate men - yet His earthly ministry wasn't launched until he was 30 years old - 18 year wait. Amazingly, in our generation we want it now! If we are not recognized we become frustrated and often question leadership and or the process, Nowadays, people often feel a sense of entitlement - as if they are owed the promotion, increase or elevation without a cost. Obscurity is a very important piece of the process - this is when no one knows who you are - obviously I am not referring to co-workers or family members, but rather those outside of your normal realm of influence. Obscurity is the time in which a breaking happens, when the filthy things, those things we struggle with, those besetting sins that often trip us up have to be dealt with - this is when we have to truly understand what repentance means - this is when we must distinguish between repentance and telling God I'm sorry - Repentance is when we turn and no longer engage in the reckless lifestyle that leads us contrary to God's will for our life. This unveiling is a good thing because no one is aware of the struggle (unless you tell it) and God covers and forgives, but if you don't break free from saying I'm sorry to true repentance then what you do privately will be unveiled publicly. It doesn't happen because God doesn't love you, but rather because you refused to turn or repent. To many times we have seen the destruction of many great men and women by way of some public scandal that manifested because of his or her refusal to correct their behavior in private.  Its very important that you embrace the season of obscurity and grow in grace because there is so much more that God wants to reveal to you and through you. After we transition from obscurity we enter into notoriety. When this happens there is no human effort needed, there is not need to step over anyone to get to the top because it is God that exalts in due season - the favor of God is made manifest at this time and everything you need will be provided for "My God shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." There is not a timetable that says I must wait 5 years and you must wait 7 years; Obscurity and notoriety is not about when will I begin to walk in that wealthy place, but rather has my character developed, can I manage my finances, do I know how to love my spouse, am I maximizing my relationship with God while I'm single, am I taking care of my children, am I walking in love, am I harboring hatred in my heart, am I studying God's word, are Christ characteristics evident in my life? Purpose is revealed when we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God - He will lead you in a plain path...for God will bless you on purpose in purpose - don't rush the process - when God gets ready to bless you and lift you up can't NO devil in hell stop him!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Addicted to Addiction

We all have struggles of sorts that get the best of us. Its the under belly or soft part that we have yet to sure up and make strong. It remains a weak part of our life arsenal that becomes the achilles heel or the area that remains exposed right when we feel that we have overcome the struggle. What struggle you ask? Alcohol, drugs, sex, anger, pornography, gossip, procrastination, promiscuity, fear....there may be some that I left out, but I think you get the point. I often ask a question: Why do I do what I do - I know that sounds a bit cliché, however why go back when I know that the thing that binds me smothers me and try's to take the very life out of me? I believe that part of the reason that we continue to go back  and struggle with our struggle or to that which God has delivered us from is because we never dealt with the root of the matter. Its not "it" "that" "him" or "her" its the addiction. The addiction has generated a since of allegiance in us and the addiction begins to operate through us and leads us, guides and even speaks to us. The addiction presents a picture of the sensation we receive or feel after we engage with "it" "that" "him" or "her" - If we look closer we will realize that we do not love the thing, we have an essence fallen in love with the addiction or better yet we have become "addicted to the addiction." Its the sensation that we want its the climax or the high and nothing more. That is why shortly after reaching the climax or high we hit rock bottom or better yet we begin to condemn ourselves. Often times we call ourselves stupid and even go a step further by falling into a deep, deep depression. This is when satan and is imps step in; they quickly begin to rehearse or repeat these lines: "you'll never get out of this" God doesn't love you, if He did would He  allow you to go through this?" "This is just the way it is suppose to be." That is the furthest thing from the truth. We can be free, you can be free. We stop hanging around people that lead us to the wrong thing and we break up with the person that we do the wrong thing with. That works for a season, but shortly thereafter we are right back in the thing we thought we were free from. How can this be? I submit to you that the person that has to be confronted is not him, her or them - its the man or woman in the mirror. There is a responsibility that we have individually when it comes to the thing or things that we have become addicted to. I truly believe that deliverance can be instantaneous, but I  also believe that after we have been made free we have to feel the void. Jesus said it this way, When in unclean spirit has goes out of a man it walks around seeking a new dwelling place; when it finds none, it returns to its old dwelling place and finds it clean, but empty. It then brings seven more wicked than itself and the person is worse that he was before." (Matthew 12:43-45a). This person has to replace the unclean with the clean; study God's word, develop a prayer life and find a good bible teaching church. That way the Word of God can be applied to the heart and mind. Change won't come until change is desired by the individual that is sick and tired of being sick and tired. Change your thinking, change your life. The Apostle Paul approached God in prayer about a thorn in his  flesh and look what God's response was: "Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." (2 Corinthians 12:8-9).
 God's grace is sufficient! Know that you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you ~ Don't Quit!!!