Distraction is the process of diverting the attention of an individual or group from the desired area of focus and thereby blocking or diminishing the reception of desired information. Distraction is caused by: the lack of ability to pay attention; lack of interest in the object of attention; or the great intensity, novelty or attractiveness of something other than the object of attention. Well at least that is the meaning from the dictionary - but I think we all know the power of distraction and how it will and can literally rob us from focusing on our purpose. Simply put, distraction is a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else or better yet extreme agitation of the mind or emotions. So why does distraction manifest? I believe that it is a tool used by the enemy (Satan) of our soul to pull us outside of purpose. Often times distraction comes through people, places and things. When we are not able to discern when it manifests, we often will label it as just dealing with occurrences that arise on a day to day basis. With the inability to discern we will entertain distraction to the point that it begins to weigh on our minds and emotions. It becomes like a pad and pen we pick up on daily basis with the expectation that at any point this "distraction" will resurface today. We write the distraction on the tablet of our hearts, talk about it, rehearse it, and talk about it again until we become submerged with it and we lose grip of the most important thing, our purpose. A distraction can not stop one from fulfilling their purpose, however it can cause major delays in getting to where you need to be. When we entertain distraction it progresses into other things that swiftly takes us on a downward spiral. First distraction will produce disappointment. Disappointment arises because the one that generated the distraction passes the weight on to you and ultimately it begins to weigh on your mind and emotions. Our inability to discern what it is passes the burden to you and now disappointment sets in. Second, it becomes distasteful. It is at this point that what I took on causes me to become distasteful. Now the thing that I allowed to distract me takes me down a path straight to feeling unpleasant or no longer desirable. When desire dwindles distraction takes us to the third area of concern which is defeat. Notice just by simply being unable to discern when distraction comes, it has taken us from: disappointment, to being distasteful and lastly feeling defeated. At this point one becomes overwhelmed and when we look back we are shocked to see that we have allowed ourselves to drift away from working on the thing we were focused on prior to the distraction pulling us away. Defeat sets in and we no longer feel victorious, we no longer have the zeal to keep pressing towards purpose. How do we reemerged pass the ashes of distraction? How do we get refocused? First we have to remember that Christ must be the object of our faith and center of our focus. Then we will be able to align ourselves with Isaiah 26:3, "They that keep their minds stayed on him shall be kept in perfect peace." Also we have to remember that Jesus is able to carry us through. Matthew 11: 28-29, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest; take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." The bible declares in John 10:10 That "the thief comes to kill steal and destroy." I believe that distraction has that same purpose; to steal our destiny, to kill our effectiveness, and destroy our passion. Stay focused and see distraction for what it truly is.