Friday, July 27, 2012

Prisoner No More by A.G. Wells

Nervous and waiting for her visitor to arrive, the inmate prepared herself for the questions that her best freind would have for her upon her arrival - the inmate sat anxiously awaiting the visit from this particular friend as she has been the one friend that has stopped by the jail once a week for 10 talk....others have visited but they constantly reminded her of the fact that it was her fault and she was guilty of the crime.....she could still hear the voices of the accusers echoing in her mind: her sibilings reminding her that she should have finished college 10 years ago - Her father's voice saying," I can't belive you got pregnant in high school" - Her mother's voice saying, "I don't know why you didn't turn out like your sister and brother, I am ashamed of you" she can still here and picture in her mind the mutiple times she was molested by folks in her family and friends of the family when she was just a little girl.....she often says to herself, "I hate you" - but she has to snap out of it....because on this day she is anxious and excited, because her friend, her best friend was coming...she couldn't put her finger on it, but something was different about this day.....before she knew it her visitor arrived.... she looked her square in the eye and said - "you have been coming to see me in here for 10 years, and I have once to hear you say one negative thing to me, why is that?" All her life she had become acoustom to everyone telling her what she is not and how many times she has failed; she began to believe what people were telling her, that she would never amount to anything, she would never be married, she would never be a homeowner, she will forever be a borrower and not a lender. The inmate's friend looked at her, smiled and said, "Girl, I love you so much, come with me" "What, the inmate said, I can't go....
I'm in prison and the guards won't allow that!" ~ "That's just it... you put yourself in this prison and you have the keys to get out. For 10 years you have allowed yourself to become the victim of what could have, should have, would have and the negative words that your family and those you thought were your friends spoke into and over your life. This is not a prison, this your bedroom, now get up because it's not to late for you to begin again" ~ We do not have to be incarcerated in a institution to be times, we become prisoners of our past and because of that, we rehearse the pain points in our life. The pain points of our past cause us to be chained to every person that hurt us, left us and spoke negative to us ~ we have to make a conscious decision to release our past and release ourselves from the prison of pain ~ forgive people, seek God's forgiveness, forgive yourself and move forward ~ "If any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold all things are new" II Corithians 5:17

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