Monday, December 22, 2014

Here and There

Over a year ago I had the opportunity to fly from Georgia to Maryland...I had a window seat and couldn't help but look out the window. While looking out the window fear was not a factor but what fascinated me was our ascension and the decreased size in objects that were once large. I then realized that the size didn't change, but my perspective did....a scripture then came to mind, "seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus" I then began to think on my long as we remain level with our past...its weight, its size and the stress of it all will overwhelm us...but when you're hidden in Christ (as I was in the airplane) your perspective ascend to higher heights or better yet, you are "seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus" now I look down on what once had me bound..because I am in another stratosphere....oh the past was once my reality but because of my elevation it's no longer my focus or my method of operation...I'm here and my past is there...and that's alright with me.
#freedom #nocondemnation

Sunday, December 14, 2014


God is doing more for us than we realize...part of the reason we can't see him move is because of our inability to discern between exterior  and interior doors....exterior doors draw attention to the structure in which the door has been erected to...the exterior door brings attention to us...the focal point is on the immediate contact the person has with you...not your faith in Christ, but rather how good things look on the outside...from a spiritual standpoint, this is where you meet Jesus....Revelations 3:20 says, "Behold I stand at the door and knock...if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me." So this exterior door sets things in order...but there's more....if you get engulfed in the introduction point of meeting Christ (exterior door) you will remain there...never taking Jesus into any other areas in your life...eventually folks will only see you and know you by way of the exterior door which equates to a shallow denying Jesus access to other areas, there will be no depth in your spirit in relation to His word....but what happens if we actually "dine with Him" and not hold Him hostage at the door?

We will learn of Him and discover interior doors....he will lead us to designed interior doors that were specially made to coordinate with our destiny...interior doors are within and whats interesting about them they're upright and on's not open walkways where  you and I can just walk through, but rather interior doors....we have to walk towards, turn the knob and go requires faith...its difficult entering in without knowing what lies ahead....the good news is God's leading us to it....these are new opportunities,  places you've never been nor's new dimensions...there's great success ahead of you and there are specific people God has strategically placed behind these interior doors that are going to help get you to that wealthy place...know that if God led you to it he's going to keep you through it....position yourself to receive God's best!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Why Do I Do What I Do?

My heart is aching as I look out to the sea...I want to do right but evil constantly pursues me...oh poor wretched man that I am...all I am is just a man...with many sins and faults hanging over me...from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet....but God saw fit to rescue me by giving me a life preserver so to speak...Jesus came and healed my sins and faults He did erase...He took my faults to the east and my sins to the west...thank God in heaven I'm no longer depressed ~ so why do I do what I do?....perish the thought! #freedom

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Pamphlet, Chapter or Book?

A pamphlet is a short tract of general information. A chapter on the other hand is a specific portion that highlights a division of a bigger story. While a book is a divison of a literary work that encompasses the whole story. I thought on these things as I pondered over purpose, destiny and our pilgrimage here on earth. There are times in which we feel overwhelmed or unsure of our next step in lifes journey.  Some of the struggle we encounter is due to our inabilty to discern what phase we are in.  Pamphlet Phase is when we are connected or sent for a short period time. Pamphlets are very descriptive,  however to the point and brief. If we are in this "phase" to long we become burnt out and begin to feel irrelevant simply because we never discover that we were only sent for a season.  Chapter Phase is a bit more specific and detailed. We arrive here only to add to the bigger picture. It is not where we build a tent, but rather teach others how to and move on. Should we remain here to long others will begin to question our commitment...not becsuse of our inability to be effective , but rather the evidence of lethargy that sets in by way of stagnation. The Book Phase on the other hand is long term and we remain for the long haul. Here we keep growing, mentoring and building leaders for the next generation.

Monday, December 1, 2014

2016... are you ready?

Just two more day and we will be on the brinks of a new year....many resolutions will be made: commitments to lose weight, get rid of the person you're in a relationship with, and last but not least,  promises to attend church more often. I'm  reminded of the other day when I was attempting to take out my daughters tooth....clearly the old loose tooth was ready to come out, however because of my daughters inabilty to see the long term benefit of having her tooth removed a struggle ensued. My daughter's unwillingness to part ways with the old tooth would impact her ability to eat and cause her to refrain from smiling.  Interestingly, we as adults react this way when it comes time to part ways with persons, places or things that are actually hindering us from great success. We get comfortable with "status quo" and ignore the warning signs. Entering into a new year and positioning ourselves for God's best is more than making's about being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Make the decision today to remove the old so that the new will come unhindered and untainted.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day #5 #ReDiscover U

"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me" There's nothing worse than being in a dark place, a lowly place, an empty place with no hope...even though you are alive it feels like death is eminent ...when you're in a valley it feels like everything is crumbling all around you....I say that because I remember when I was laid off from my job and shortly thereafter my family and I lost our home.....It was a low was a valley...its during these times that I needed more than an encouraging phone call, text or voice mail....I needed God to intervene.......that's when I realized that God is all around us...David asked, "Whither can I go from your presence? If I made my bed in hell, you are there" because God is omnipresent and I am where He is...I then realized when I'm in the valley, He's there with me....."I shall fear no evil for you are with me" Knowing that God is with you and for you causes a shift to happen in the atmosphere....all of a sudden I'm reminded that "God did not give us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind" It wasn't easy at first...but the more I prayed the more I trusted....the more I read His word the more I trusted...oftentimes dark valleys or dark places is where God does amazing work....remember in Genesis? "Darkness was on the face of the deep and God said, let there be light and there was light." Do you remember Paul and Salis? They were in a valley...locked in prision..."but at midnight Paul and Sialis  prayed and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them and....suddenly there was an earthquake...there bonds broke" You may be reading this and you feel like you're in a dark place, a dismal place, a dry place....but I decree to you that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world....what the devil meant for evil God blocked it....its all working together for your good.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Day #4 #ReDiscover U

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake" Over 18 years ago I recall my struggle to be "churchy" That's right I said "churchy" and that just about summed up my understanding of Jesus and Christianity. My fear of believing in Jesus Christ was rooted in my frequent wondering into a wilderness of sin,  then feeling guilty and unworthy after the escapade.  What was I to do? All I use to hear was how bad and inconsistent I was and how religous other people were. I actually use to think that I was the only one in the world that struggled with sin. It actually left me in a fogged state and as a result of that, being a Christian seemed hard.  It wasn't until I began reading God's word for myself. I read: "Come unto me all those that are burden and heavy laden and I will give you rest" also "He became sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus" also, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" and lastly,  "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved." This revolutionized my mind. I then felt the gentle hand of God "Leading me to the path of righteousness" It's not my goodness, its not my ability, its not my's because of Jesus, Jehovah Tsidkenu -  The Lord our Righteousness. "For His name sake" Seeing he has taken upon him the name of a "Good Shepherd", He will keep His word , in spite of us. You and I being bad sheep will not make him stop being a "Good Shepherd", but he will be "good", and maintain the credit of "His name" in spite of all of our badness....God is good all the time.... and it's all good, because it's all God....and He will get the glory  "His name" shall  be magnified and exalted.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day #3 #ReDiscover U

"He restores my soul" Have you ever felt depleted? Like you were close to throwing in the towel...I have and I must say it has happened more than once. The closest thing that  I can compare it to would be the day I tried running multiple errands with very little gas in the car. I had money to put gas in the car, but I told myself, "I can make it....I've done it before." Passing several gas station in route (which I would later regret) my mind became occupied with other things...totally forgetting about the fact that I needed gas. That's when it happened...this vehicle that I trusted to get me where I needed to go abruptly came to a hault. Why? Because I failed to get the vehicle where it needed to be in order for it to be supplied  with what it needed. Without supplying the vehicle with what it needed, it could no longer function in it's purpose or what it was created to do.  It doesn't matter how "good" a car looks or how "nice" the wheels and rims are...if there's no gas in it, it can't serve anyones need. Like a car, at times we are running close to empty, sadly many people do not have anything within telling them that their about to come to an abrupt stop. Often times depression and frustration sets in and we feel like we are failures. It's not that we are failures or our life has no meaning....we just need to get to the place or environment that has the capacity to give us what we need and fill us up. Obviously, we are not that place is not a gas station but rather in God's presence. David said, "He restores my soul" The Lord, the Good Shepherd, can restore you. Not only can He restore you, He is also a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.  We are very good at rekindling old flames once the fire has gone out....but I challenge you to commit your way to the Lord and He will direct your path. Before you plan your vacation for the holidays or mark your 2018 calendar ...take a day off from work or just set some time aside for to Him, read his word...meditate on Him..let the Good Shepherd restore your soul "They that keep their minds stayed on Him, shall be kept in perfect peace"

Antonio G. Wells 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Day #2 #ReDiscoverU

"He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters" what are these green pastures? I see those pastures as His holy word -- always fresh, always rich, and never dead pastures, but living.   The Lord's word is sweet food for souls, as tender grass is natural nutrients for sheep. By faith we are able to find rest in the promises, we are like the sheep that lie down in the midst of green's at this time that we discover provision and peace, rest and refreshment, safety and satisfaction. "He makes me lie down" It is the Lord who graciously enables us to perceive His truth and to feed upon grateful we should be for the power to appropriate His promises!
We are not just lying down in green pastures , we are journeying  towards our destiny...we also read, "He leads me beside the still waters" what are these "still waters" ....I believe them to be His precious Spirit...."still waters", for the Holy Spirit  loves peace, and sounds no alarm in is operation. He may flow into your soul, but not into your co-workers, and therefore your co-worker may not perceive the  presence of the Spirit of God....its amazing how the Holy Spirit may be pouring his floods into your heart, yet the person that sits next to you may know nothing about it. grandmother use to say, "still waters run deep"....silence is golden ...the Lord leads us beside these "still waters" we couldn't do it by ourselves, we need His guidance, and grace... that's why His word says "He leadeth me" He does not drive us... Moses drove the Israelites, but Jesus, the Good Shepherd, leads us by his example, and by His amazing love.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day #1 #ReDiscoverU

"The Lord is my shepherd,  I shall not be in lack" Knowing who's sustaining you is essential as you travel down life's highway.  Many believe that it's their place of employment that is sustaining them, when in reality the job is only a resource and God is the source. It became very clear to me after ascending up the corporate ladder rather quickly moving from $23,500 to $60,000 a year without a college degree.  It wasn't until that same place of employment that anointed me the best thing since sliced bread, that said that I was the most witty,  most professional and articulate
layed me off...that's when a shift happen in regards to my view of who God really is. Maybe you're reading this and your life has been picture perfect and you never experienced a layoff or let down. Well, I did and it doesn't feel good. This challenged my faith and put me in a position to stand on what I told others I believed in. I heard a wise man say, "A faith untested, is a faith that can not be trusted." I began to pursue God more after the words of people failed me...I mean the company moved forward and didn't see the need for my position...what was I to do? I remembered  Psalms 23....and the beginning passage realigned my vision and put things back in  perspective, a ReDiscovery of said, "The Lord is my shepherd,  I shall not be in lack" So what does a shepherd do? The Shepherd leads the sheep, cares for the sheep, He opens the gate for the sheep and the sheep know His voice....because the Lord is my shepherd I now know that He sustains addition to that I have discovered that promotion does not come from the east nor west but it comes from the Lord...better yet, my Shepherd. That is why I can say with confidence...."I shall not be in lack" It's true that my God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus...He became poor so that I might be rich ~ it's not just monetarily but also wisdom,  knowledge,  and access to His presence...for in His presence is the fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore Shepherd, my Jesus #WonderfulCounselor #MightyGod #PrinceofPeace #Day1

Monday, November 3, 2014

#Don't Quit

Do you remember this time last year or better yet a few years back when you were trying to figure out how you were going to make it? So much pressure with very little or no were just about to throw in the towel...but some how, some way....YOU SURVIVED!  I'm writing  this blog today for you...that's right you....another obstacle, another situation has surfaced and you feel like you mopped yourself in a corner...often times God shows up in the fire not before the fire...know that if God did that, He can do this! Hang in is on the way #Don't Quit

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Have you ever asked the question,  "Why am I here" I know I have.... it's at that moment when we realize that it's more to it than the 9 to 5....its more to it than obtaining multiple degrees, its more than the house with the picket fence...its more than the promotion on the job...I mean it's all good, but it keeps one in a place of predictability,  a regiment of sorts and before long what has been obtained becomes mundane.  It puts one in a box, a feeling of comfort sets in and before long he or she becomes comfortable and no longer willing to embrace change when it comes. Purpose is not about what I have accomplished,  but rather "rediscovering me"...I love the passage in Jeremiah 1:8, when God says to the prophet, "before you were in your mother's womb I knew you...I ordained you a prophet." It was an "aha moment" for me....Jeremiah's purpose was may have said otherwise,  a wedding may have tugged him to the left, a job may have been a hindrance...but purpose was revealed to Jeremiah before there was a job or a wife...he had a clear path to his purpose and he walked in it....what about Jesus? His dear mother Mary and Joseph were headed to the Passover with Him, but they lost sight of Him. When Mary located Him, what did He say? "Did you not know that I must be about my Father's business?" That's purpose....He was 12 years old at the time...and yes He was a carpenter,  but 18 years later He reverted back to His purpose (He never lost sight of it) and you know the rest of the story. We get overwhelmed at times in the pursuit of happiness....well happiness as we know it here on earth...I have come to realize that my job is not my ambitions are not my purpose is what God placed me on the earth to do. After crying and praying and praying and crying I realized that my purpose is to write for His glory. Whenever I write its effortless....not because I'm so good, but rather it's my purpose, it's why I'm here...that's why I do what I do....because God gently whispered it to life has never been the same.  I encourage you to cry out to God in your prayer closet and the Spirit of God will speak #purpose 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ebola Virus

Someone recently asked my feelings on the Ebola outbreak...I let this person know that obviously I have concern...but in the same's confirming what I already knew... "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet....for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and diseases, and earthquakes, in many places...all these are the beginning of sorrows" ~ remember. His word in Psalms 91: "If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home.... for he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go" sister the end is near...the question is not in which state or city will Ebola show up next, but rather do you know Jesus in the pardon of your sin ...there's still room @the cross #choose Christ for your life

Saturday, October 11, 2014

It hurts, but I'm healed

Back when I was 12 years old, I broke my clavicle while playing little league football. That was the most excruciating pain that I have ever experienced this side of heaven.  I traveled from the football field to my dad's car, from my dad's car, to our house, from our house to the hospital. I was heavily sedated which allowed  the surgeons to aligne my collarbone. Once they did that, my arm was placed in a cast. After all that, I didn't think I would recover or make it here I am 28 years later.  Just this morning I had sharp pains streaking through that same shoulder that I broke 28 years ago.  One would think that after things got better or when healing takes place the painful memory would go away....the truth of the matter is, it doesn't.  I have not learned how to ignore the pain, but rather how to face it and overcome it.  Overcoming it means that I refuse to allow what happened to me be the reason I give up and throw in the towel. You may not have experienced what I did, but whatever or whoever  caused you pain can only hold you captive if you let them. Release the hurts sometimes, but you're healed...get better not bitter.
AG Wells


Our generation has fallen in love with taking pictures of itself and interestingly enough we call them "selfies" - Have we fallen in love with ourselves or is it just a simple post of a picture?  I mean do we forget what we look like after we look in the mirror? Do we even look in mirrors anymore? I wouldn't be surprised if they start building homes without mirrors....I mean a selfie is actual proof that we are swiftly moving in a direction in which all that men, women, boys and girls desire is right in the palm of their hands. It's their hand which symbolizes total control or individuals becoming self sufficient or selfish....oh there it is, "selfie" could it be that we love ourselves more than we love God? I read, "In the last days difficult times will come, people will become lovers of themselves,  lovers of money,  boastful,  proud, abusive, disobedient to parents,  ungrateful...." that says a lot, but the part I focused on was "lovers of themselves" - everything else is relevant too -  Is this generation  obsessed with itself?  Selfish people seldom share or think of others...and hold their phones to close to their face to see what anyone else is saying...selfish selfies secretly satify someone that's afraid to look in the mirror.  
AG Wells

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Battle Still Rages

My flesh and my spirit are still at war.

Will there ever come a day when it will be no more?

Will my flesh constantly knock at my spiritual door?

I must be strong until I reach my heavenly home.

My feet are planted on holy ground.

My flesh is angry because Christ abounds.

I have no plans on going back.

This is a state of emergency, I'm under attack.

I have to keep my head straight.

I'm tryin to walk through those pearly gates.

Until I reach my heavenly home,

I guess my flesh will attempt to roam.

In life there are many stages,

I guess that's why the battle is still raging.

Monday, August 4, 2014

...If I Don't Pray

If I don't pray I can't sleep...
If I don't pray I'm incomplete...
If I don't pray I can't stand firm...
If I don't pray the enemy's roar makes me squirm....
If I don't pray I become weak...
If I don't pray I struggle to forgive and turn the other cheek...
If I don't pray life would be like a mystery & I'd have no clue...
If I don't pray I wouldn't know what to do.
A.G. Wells

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Dear Mr. Officer.....

Police brutality, unfortunately has become a reality stretching as far as New York to Cali. We know it doesn't speak to the majority but the minority is rotten to the core...that's what we see...can't ignore reality. The truth of the matter is the utter disgust,  when you take out your frustration on one of us. When I say us I am speaking of those of African descent...most of us are just out here trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents...your aggressive approach is actually condescending when in fact its your hand you should be lending. Who else has to die before something is done? I've watched several videos on YouTube and I am just done. Talk sensibly to us without thinking we have an agenda because with police brutality there are no winners. #STOP IT MOVEMENT

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Battle Rages

"My flesh and my spirit...a constant's sort of like a my spirit I want worship, but flesh wants to ignore...the whisper of my Father in clear and plain it is, but my flesh would rather stay congested with day to day spirit seeks the word of God and loves Him everyday, but my flesh wants to have its own selfish way...the more I give into the flesh the more strength it gains in me...I do not want to quench the Holy Spirit that lives inside of me...Christ resides in my heart, I am a new being...a new spirit was given to me when I accepted JC...until I reach my home in glory, I guess this here will be my life there are many pages, I guess that's why the battle rages"

A.G. Wells

Monday, January 27, 2014


Check out The Stage Play: Why Am I Still SIngle? on Eventbrite!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Atlanta get ready!

Check out The Stage Play: Why Am I Still SIngle? on Eventbrite!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Purchase your tickets today!

Help us reach our goal! We need 180 more tickets sold! Go to: