Over a year ago I had the opportunity to fly from Georgia to Maryland...I had a window seat and couldn't help but look out the window. While looking out the window fear was not a factor but what fascinated me was our ascension and the decreased size in objects that were once large. I then realized that the size didn't change, but my perspective did....a scripture then came to mind, "seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus" I then began to think on my past...as long as we remain level with our past...its weight, its size and the stress of it all will overwhelm us...but when you're hidden in Christ (as I was in the airplane) your perspective changes...you ascend to higher heights or better yet, you are "seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus" now I look down on what once had me bound..because I am in another stratosphere....oh the past was once my reality but because of my elevation it's no longer my focus or my method of operation...I'm here and my past is there...and that's alright with me.
#freedom #nocondemnation
#freedom #nocondemnation