The other day I was watching television and I noticed that our 12 year old was up passed her bedtime listening to music, reading and on the computer (all at the same time). I got up from where I was, went to her and reminded her of her bedtime. After giving her the reminder I was surprised at her response. "Daddy, I'm reading, not on the computer." Struggling to understand her response, I became upset and said, young lady, turn off the music, turn off the computer, put the book away and good night." She did as I asked and headed to her bedroom. Shortly thereafter she walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I asked her to come over. She wasn't exactly the happiest person; she sat by me and I asked, "Why are you upset?" She said, "Daddy I wasn't on the computer, I was actually reading, I like listening to music when I read, it makes it easier." I hugged my daughter, kissed her on the forehead and said, "If you had asked me if it was ok to stay up beyond your bedtime, I would have allowed you to. Instead you began to tell me what you were doing and what you would continue to do. If you had only asked, my response would have been different." We embraced again, she smiled and returned to her bedroom. Later that evening I was taking a shower and I got a revelation from my interaction with my daughter. I realized that in the relationship I have with Jesus, I do to Him what my daughter did to me. I began to realize my error in prayer and fasting as well as overall obedience to God. I thought about a scripture, "If you ask anything in my name, I will do it" (John 14:14). I realized that I never really asked God for things, instead I have been telling God what I am going to do. Have you ever done that? We often tell God what we're going to do, then ask Him to bless our plan. Sadly, we treat God as if He was a genie in a bottle that must grant us three wishes. When we do this we create a level of frustration ~ it becomes about our agenda and what we want, when we want and how we want it. Asking changes or shifts the atmosphere and places God on the throne of our hearts and places us in the position of servant. Our dependence should be in Him....He alone is God, and is ready and willing to help...for the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in lack! God is our source and everything else is but a resource....its not about telling God what we are going to do and demanding him to do something about it, but rather asking Him, stepping aside and watching Him do exceedingly, abudantly, far above what we ask or think!
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