A.G. Wells is a dad, business owner, author and theatrical production director. A.G. has written two books:"Some C.R.E.A.M. for Your Coffee" and,"The A,B, C's of the Gospel" which are available at: barnesandnoble.com, boarders.com and amazon.com. Antonio's Production company released three productions: "Side Effects...Hurting People Hurt People" "Why Am I Still Single?" and "X Marks the Spot.". Antonio is currently working on his third book titled: "Your Fear Fears You."
Friday, December 21, 2012
Suffering has a way of reminding us that it's not about us, but it's all about Him.......
and His will for our lives. Suffering can bring about fruitfulness. If we were constantly on the mountaintop and everything we touched turned to gold, what would we appreciate? When everything is going our way and we never encounter any problems, we tend to forget our source.
Suffering reminds us of our need of Christ, which causes us to rest in Him!!
Friday, December 14, 2012
The Assignment
Understaning that, we know that we have assignments while here on earth given to us by God. It reminds me of being in school and on the first day the teachers would give you a "course outline" this outline would have bullet points, assignments and their due dates. When we have progressed through the 1st 9 weeks, 2nd, 3rd & 4th, and let's say "finished the course" there would be NO excuse when it comes time for our end of year evaluation or final grade. It's not until the first day - that initial day that we find out our assignment. The assignments can not be revealed to me if I am not in class or better yet "in purpose" because it is in class or "in purpose" that the assignment is revealed. If I skip class or if I am not living in purpose, I can miss the assignment. Living out of purpse produces spiritual lethargy and a mindset of "What am I here on earth to do?"
The first day of school is on August 25, 1989 (I'm telling my age/10th grade..lol)...and the teacher say's, "students the final draft of your paper is due on September 15, 1989 ~ I know as a student that the assignment is for an appointed time...and at the appointed time... that which has been given to me has to be released to the person that entrusted me with it. I have to give the assignment up in order to prepare for the next assignment.
Often times in life we are hesitant to walk away from a "thing" because of our inability to discern that the "thing" is only temporary or an assignment. It could be a job, it could be moving to another city, starting a ministry or starting a solo career as an artist. We have to know that God called us to it for a season and when the time has come for us to move we have to recall in our mind that this was only an assignment and I have reached my due date. Thats why walking in the spirit is so critical.
There are times in our life when we live in reverse mode ~ we live outside in.... instead of inside out. When we live outside in, we are in control and led by our own carnal nature or our flesh....when we live inside out we are controled and led my the Spirit of God...."for those that are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God"
Do you have any over due assignments in your hand?
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Showers of Blessings
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Are You a Christ Fan or Christian?
The day is coming when OUR motives will be exaimned...let me ask you a question dear reader.... are you a CHRIST FAN or a CHRISTIAN? .....there are plenty of NBA, NFL and NCAA Fans....
~I said YES to Christ 17 years ago (Yes means: I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead) ~
Why not fall in love with the man? .....the Man Christ Jesus ~ the mediator between God and man....
Christ Jesus the Son of the Living God!!! ! "Ye must be born again"
KiNgDoM mInDeD!!
1. THOU SHALT NOT HAVE ANY OTHER GODS BEFORE THE ONE TRUE GOD.....keep Facebook as a social network, not your life
2. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL....another persons staus without permission
3. THOU SHALT NOT KILL.....anyones reputation on FB....be a man, be a woman...talk face to face.
4. Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy....keep things in perspective, just because we get inspired on FB, doesn't make-up for us not attending church
5. THOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY...don't trip, act like you know, if you married don't let FB cause you to rekindle an old flame...love your wife, love your husband!
6. THOU SHALT NOT COVET ANYTHING THAT BELONGS TO YOUR FB FRIENDS...just view folks pictures and keep it movin, we don't have to envy each other!
7.THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE LORD'S NAME IN VAIN....if you name the name of the Lord in your statuses, let me ask you a question...do you know him in the pardon of your sins?
8. THOU SHALT NOT MAKE ANY IMAGE...LIKE ANYTHING IN HEAVEN OR ON THE EARTH...FOR I THE LORD GOD AM A JEALOUS GOD....farmville, yoville....all those villes...their fun but lets keep it in perspective.
9. HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER...show mom and dad more love than on and through FB!
10. THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST your neighbor(s) on FB......lets not throw each other under the bus with subliminal messages written in statuses....keep it real!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Do It Because You Love It!
We can go to any bookstore or purchase a DVD with that story line.
Ironically, we have the potential to do that very same thing to God...how so?
God gives you a vision about your future...its so vivid and clear there is absolutely no doubt that it is from Him. You tell no one, but it seems every where you go some one is confirming what you believe was whispered into your spiritual ear about your future. You can't keep from smiling and you love God even more. You are amazed that God would reveal this to you.
So you decide to share with everyone that which you believe is your purpose or destiny for your life. Those individuals you decide to share these things with become more excited than you. Everyone begins celebrating the idea you shared with them and this takes you on another high. Unknowingly to you, you have become infatuated with the idea that God gave you. It is evident by way of the lack of doing anything with that which God imparted into your spirit. That which God imparted in you is in essence the thing He created to propel you to next level.
As long as we are talking about it, we are not being about it.
Love is an action word and if we desire to see longevity in that which God created us to do, we have to work the thing that God gave us. Doing so will cause us to love what we do and do what we love!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Put God First
Recently, I was without my cell phone for almost 60 days. If you had told me that I would be without it prior to me not having it, I would have looked at you as if you had lost your mind. I must say that I did not realize how much having a cell phone (not to mention all that we are able to do with cell phones nowadays) impacted the time I spent in prayer, fasting and meditating on God's Word. This experience has afforded me the opportunity to put things back in prespective. Becoming consumed with temporal things can swiftly take our focus off the most important piece of life's puzzle...Jesus Christ #God1st
Friday, July 27, 2012
Prisoner No More by A.G. Wells
I'm in prison and the guards won't allow that!" ~ "That's just it... you put yourself in this prison and you have the keys to get out. For 10 years you have allowed yourself to become the victim of what could have, should have, would have and the negative words that your family and those you thought were your friends spoke into and over your life. This is not a prison, this your bedroom, now get up because it's not to late for you to begin again" ~ We do not have to be incarcerated in a institution to be incarcerated......at times, we become prisoners of our past and because of that, we rehearse the pain points in our life. The pain points of our past cause us to be chained to every person that hurt us, left us and spoke negative to us ~ we have to make a conscious decision to release our past and release ourselves from the prison of pain ~ forgive people, seek God's forgiveness, forgive yourself and move forward ~ "If any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold all things are new" II Corithians 5:17
God Shall Supply All of Your Needs
"The gift that God has given me/you/us - which has been placed in our spirit comes to us by way of our thoughts or impression - when the idea comes to existence in the physical realm (by you and I actually doing it), it will demand the need of physical resources - or money. The gift will demand it and ironically the individual that has the gift may not have the resources to support the idea or vision that has been placed in his or her spirit by the Spirit of God. This is a blessed place - because it is then that the individual has to pull from his or her reservoir and speak back to the needs that have arose by way of the vision given by God. God gives the vision and will fund the vision supernaturally. We have to keep in mind that the supernatural is natural to those that walk in the Spirit - therefore we can see the importance of us investing in our spirit man, because there will come a day when we will need to make a withdrawl from God's word that has been engrafted in our hearts. We can be confident in the fact that God will meet our needs because He is the source from which all blessings flow - "and my God shall supply all of my needs accoridning to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus"
A.G. Wells
May your difficuly be turned into VICTORY!!