Thursday, September 13, 2012

Are You a Christ Fan or Christian?

Are you a CHRIST FAN or a CHRISTIAN? What motivates you to share....share the good news with those that have never heard the message? That message being that of Christ....the Messiah has come....bled and died for humanity...what motivates you to share the greatest story (TRUE STORY) ever told? Is it "POPULARITY" it about making people know who "YOU" that your motivation? What motivates you to share the message that my dear friend John the Baptist shared thousands of years ago...."Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand" Are you trying to get your "SWAGGER BACK" in the name of the gospel? What motivates you to share?... is it "church titles or church cliche's?"...what motivates you to share the message...that Christs' Return is soon? ~ Man looks at the outer apperance...but God looks at the heart ~ What motivated God to send HIS SON? (check out John 3:16) Maybe you don't have a bible...I'll let you know ~ It was LOVE ~ we don't have to scare people into believing (we must tell the truth in love) which means we have to be balanced and tell/teach the whole council of God ~ Hell is a real place ~ but my,my,my God is a forgiving God (God doesn't desire anyone to perish but for all to come to the knowledge of Him) ~ Hell actually was created for this crazy, lunitic desembodied spirit named satan and his angels ~ we are actually in a battle of good vs. evil ~ satan knows his time is short so he is trying to deceive as many as he can to take that trip with him .....

The day is coming when OUR motives will be exaimned...let me ask you a question dear reader.... are you a CHRIST FAN or a CHRISTIAN? .....there are plenty of NBA, NFL and NCAA Fans....

~I said YES to Christ 17 years ago (Yes means: I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead) ~

Why not fall in love with the man? .....the Man Christ Jesus ~ the mediator between God and man....

Christ Jesus the Son of the Living God!!! ! "Ye must be born again"

KiNgDoM mInDeD!!


1. THOU SHALT NOT HAVE ANY OTHER GODS BEFORE THE ONE TRUE GOD.....keep Facebook as a social network, not your life

2. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL....another persons staus without permission

3. THOU SHALT NOT KILL.....anyones reputation on a man, be a face to face.

4. Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy....keep things in perspective, just because we get inspired on FB, doesn't make-up for us not attending church

5. THOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY...don't trip, act like you know, if you married don't let FB cause you to rekindle an old your wife, love your husband!

6. THOU SHALT NOT COVET ANYTHING THAT BELONGS TO YOUR FB FRIENDS...just view folks pictures and keep it movin, we don't have to envy each other!

7.THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE LORD'S NAME IN VAIN....if you name the name of the Lord in your statuses, let me ask you a you know him in the pardon of your sins?

8. THOU SHALT NOT MAKE ANY IMAGE...LIKE ANYTHING IN HEAVEN OR ON THE EARTH...FOR I THE LORD GOD AM A JEALOUS GOD....farmville, yoville....all those villes...their fun but lets keep it in perspective.

9. HONOR YOUR FATHER AND mom and dad more love than on and through FB!

10. THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST your neighbor(s) on FB......lets not throw each other under the bus with subliminal messages written in statuses....keep it real!