Monday, December 22, 2014

Here and There

Over a year ago I had the opportunity to fly from Georgia to Maryland...I had a window seat and couldn't help but look out the window. While looking out the window fear was not a factor but what fascinated me was our ascension and the decreased size in objects that were once large. I then realized that the size didn't change, but my perspective did....a scripture then came to mind, "seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus" I then began to think on my long as we remain level with our past...its weight, its size and the stress of it all will overwhelm us...but when you're hidden in Christ (as I was in the airplane) your perspective ascend to higher heights or better yet, you are "seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus" now I look down on what once had me bound..because I am in another stratosphere....oh the past was once my reality but because of my elevation it's no longer my focus or my method of operation...I'm here and my past is there...and that's alright with me.
#freedom #nocondemnation

Sunday, December 14, 2014


God is doing more for us than we realize...part of the reason we can't see him move is because of our inability to discern between exterior  and interior doors....exterior doors draw attention to the structure in which the door has been erected to...the exterior door brings attention to us...the focal point is on the immediate contact the person has with you...not your faith in Christ, but rather how good things look on the outside...from a spiritual standpoint, this is where you meet Jesus....Revelations 3:20 says, "Behold I stand at the door and knock...if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me." So this exterior door sets things in order...but there's more....if you get engulfed in the introduction point of meeting Christ (exterior door) you will remain there...never taking Jesus into any other areas in your life...eventually folks will only see you and know you by way of the exterior door which equates to a shallow denying Jesus access to other areas, there will be no depth in your spirit in relation to His word....but what happens if we actually "dine with Him" and not hold Him hostage at the door?

We will learn of Him and discover interior doors....he will lead us to designed interior doors that were specially made to coordinate with our destiny...interior doors are within and whats interesting about them they're upright and on's not open walkways where  you and I can just walk through, but rather interior doors....we have to walk towards, turn the knob and go requires faith...its difficult entering in without knowing what lies ahead....the good news is God's leading us to it....these are new opportunities,  places you've never been nor's new dimensions...there's great success ahead of you and there are specific people God has strategically placed behind these interior doors that are going to help get you to that wealthy place...know that if God led you to it he's going to keep you through it....position yourself to receive God's best!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Why Do I Do What I Do?

My heart is aching as I look out to the sea...I want to do right but evil constantly pursues me...oh poor wretched man that I am...all I am is just a man...with many sins and faults hanging over me...from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet....but God saw fit to rescue me by giving me a life preserver so to speak...Jesus came and healed my sins and faults He did erase...He took my faults to the east and my sins to the west...thank God in heaven I'm no longer depressed ~ so why do I do what I do?....perish the thought! #freedom

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Pamphlet, Chapter or Book?

A pamphlet is a short tract of general information. A chapter on the other hand is a specific portion that highlights a division of a bigger story. While a book is a divison of a literary work that encompasses the whole story. I thought on these things as I pondered over purpose, destiny and our pilgrimage here on earth. There are times in which we feel overwhelmed or unsure of our next step in lifes journey.  Some of the struggle we encounter is due to our inabilty to discern what phase we are in.  Pamphlet Phase is when we are connected or sent for a short period time. Pamphlets are very descriptive,  however to the point and brief. If we are in this "phase" to long we become burnt out and begin to feel irrelevant simply because we never discover that we were only sent for a season.  Chapter Phase is a bit more specific and detailed. We arrive here only to add to the bigger picture. It is not where we build a tent, but rather teach others how to and move on. Should we remain here to long others will begin to question our commitment...not becsuse of our inability to be effective , but rather the evidence of lethargy that sets in by way of stagnation. The Book Phase on the other hand is long term and we remain for the long haul. Here we keep growing, mentoring and building leaders for the next generation.

Monday, December 1, 2014

2016... are you ready?

Just two more day and we will be on the brinks of a new year....many resolutions will be made: commitments to lose weight, get rid of the person you're in a relationship with, and last but not least,  promises to attend church more often. I'm  reminded of the other day when I was attempting to take out my daughters tooth....clearly the old loose tooth was ready to come out, however because of my daughters inabilty to see the long term benefit of having her tooth removed a struggle ensued. My daughter's unwillingness to part ways with the old tooth would impact her ability to eat and cause her to refrain from smiling.  Interestingly, we as adults react this way when it comes time to part ways with persons, places or things that are actually hindering us from great success. We get comfortable with "status quo" and ignore the warning signs. Entering into a new year and positioning ourselves for God's best is more than making's about being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Make the decision today to remove the old so that the new will come unhindered and untainted.