Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Resurrection and The Life

....Last night I arose from my bed and I decided to pray....
After I was done I opened my eyes and there stood a cross before me.
I rubbed my eyes and fell to my knees to assure myself that it wasn't a dream.
I looked again and there was a man upon the tree....
There were nails in his hands and nails in his feet, at this sight I could not believe!
There was a crown of thrones upon his head and from this his face did bleed.
I begged and pleaded for someone to help, but no one heard my plea.
I attempted to stand to my feet, but there was no strength in me.
I began to cry, I began to weep.........
I couldn't believe how deep the nails were in his hands and feet.
He turned his face and looked at me - and my heartrate did increase....
I fell to my face when he looked at me --

Because his eyes were like fire burning deep within me.
When I looked up again no one was upon the tree.....
I looked for him frantically, but it was only the cross I could see.
I became sad, I became blue, because there was no hope in me.
I rose to my knees and shouted: "Oh woe is me!"
As I proceeded to get off knees, someone laid their hands on me
I turned around and it was he that was upon the tree!
He wiped the tears from my eyes and began to speak:
"What you saw was not a dream but "reality"
Look at my hands look at my feet, the nail prints you can see."
He had on a beautiful white robe and upon his head was a golden crown;
This alone turned my frown into a smile!
He went on to say: "Tell everyone what you have seen...
Let them know that through my death, burial and resurrection they have been redeemed.
Abide in me and I will abide in you - Eternal life I now give unto you"

Jesus is the way the truth and the life....
Do I believe he did this for you too, absolutely!
...And this to me my friend is "reality"

Saturday, December 5, 2015

...Dark Room

One of the most difficult things to endure is development and process. It sounds quite easy, however in order to ascend to higher heights we have to endure valley experiences or the dark room as I like to call it. When I think about a "dark room" the first thing that comes to my mind is picture development. One of the challenges of development in the darkroom is that you can’t see the changes happening. You are only relying on your experience and intuition. Today things are done much faster with Photoshop...this gets it done a lot sooner, however there is something about watching, waiting and seeing the development of the photograph.

When I pondered this came to mind and the challenges we often face. We desire people to change the moment we begin to pray for may not happen that way - we desire the job shortly after we apply for may not happen that way, we desire the house - as soon as we sit down with the may not happen that way - we desire for our son's or daughter's to be delivered as soon as we pray for may not happen that way - we make our request known to God on Monday and expect the answer on may not happen that way. God is more concerned with our development and growth opposed to giving us what we want when we want it. I love the scripture: "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31). Also, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and supplication and thanksgiving; let your request be made known to God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7). And lastly, "Let patients have its perfect work in you so that you will be mature and lacking nothing" (James 1:4) .

When you find yourself in a "dark room" its not about throwing in the towel, its about enduring until the end. You are in "wait training" and the key is to allow the stretching to happen, allow the breaking to doesn't feel good, but God has an amazing way of making all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28).

Thursday, December 3, 2015

...Grace Period

One day a call center representative received an escalated call from a customer; the customer was puzzled to find out that his policy that he so feverishly went about obtaining had come to an abrupt end. "How could this be?" the customer asked. Politely, the customer service representative advise the customer that there was nothing that he could do. The representative went on to remind the customer, "Sir, you were under the grace period, we gave you an ample amount of time to make the wrong right." The customer,  deeply concerned, went on to say, "But what about my consistency prior to this? I was faithful! You know, January, April, July, I thought I was doing everything right." It was at this time that the customer service representative became very empathetic; Yes you are absolutely correct, I can see that you were consistent, however its about now, today, current date." The customer stated, I never received any communication that I no longer was covered, is it written?" The representative stated, "yes it is written, as a matter of fact, let me read the letter to you." The representative went on to read the letter verbatim to the customer. The customer became silent for about 10 seconds. Shortly thereafter the customer began to blame other people for providing him with information contrary to what was written in the letter informing him that he was under the grace period. Unfortunately for the customer there was nothing documented that indicating that he was provided inaccurate information. In essence the customer took for granted being under grace.

After hearing this story I was reminded of God's amazing grace that has been extended to all humanity. My, my, my how amazing is God's grace! What is grace you ask, its unmerited favor, that you and I do not deserve. When we're under grace, we should be cut off, but grace will not allow it to be so. What Jesus did on the cross catapulted humanity into a position to be recipients of God's amazing grace. Unfortunately, like the customer so many people take the grace of God for granted. We often skate through life nonchalantly not considering the fact that our life upon the earth is but a vapor! We too have been given a letter so to speak to remind us of God's grace and the decision that we have to make before our final exit from life as we know it into eternity. Obviously we do not have to send God payments to stay in grace or out of grace, God's grace is free. As I mentioned before we do not deserve God's grace! But in order for us to spend eternity with Him, we have to comply with the letter or in our case, God's word (the bible). The customer ignored all the signs, as a matter of fact he never read the letter; that is why when he was confronted with the truth he continued to make excuses instead of taking ownership for his own actions. The customer never called to speak to anyone. We do the same thing to God; we turn our backs on him, we don't talk to Him consistently, we don't read His word, but He still loves us and is quick to forgive. But we have to embrace His grace, not trample it under our feet. Unlike the customer who knew specifically when the grace period ended, we do not know the day nor the hour when "grace ends" or when Jesus returns.

I look at everything that is going on around the world today and it is as if we are on fast forward, quickly coming to the end. I don't know if you are a believer in Jesus Christ that is out of fellowship with Him or a non-believer that doesn't know Him in the pardon of your sin. What I do know is that time is winding up and we have to make sure that we are familiarizing ourselves with the letter that was sent to us thousands of year ago called the bible. To the believer that confuses religion with relationship, please, please don't be associated with those that will hear Jesus say, "Not everyone that says to me, Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven or "Depart from me, I never knew you." (Matthew 7: 21-23). To the non-believer there's still room at the cross for you (Romans 10:9; John 3:16). You're under a grace period...while you have time, choose Christ for your life!

Monday, October 5, 2015


...have you ever observed your son or daughter while they slept?  ~ how grand, how awesome, how blessed... my baby graciously trusts me to continue the holding the bottle steady you know....perhaps it was their mother's breast that kept them at ease...the trust that our children have in us as parents brings me to my knees ~ I'm humbled to have the opportunity to raise someone until adulthood; what a task and my how fast is that task...that is given to you and me for but a short time/from bottles to sippy cups and spilled milk, no worries daddy or mommy will wipe it up....holding hands in Disneyland to our child becoming our number one fan....just by being who we cape or boots required just quality time and being on time with the snacks...oh and maybe watching a cartoon or two...its nothing like hearing your child tell you, "I love you" ~ Parenthood, often misunderstood...but its all good because its parenthood...and it can't be compared to anything on this side of heaven...can't believe my baby is now its school buses and being on time for school...and signing multiple papers in regards to school rules...then comes summer and swimming pools...that's when you realize how much your children respect looking back just continue to more have growing kids to feed. So we encourage them and continue to provide direction...and we always remind them that we are here to pray and protect....we cover them from a spiritual its time to prepare for college...and with all that you've know he or she has the take it to the next level...pursuing their bachelors with no hesitation..this is when you really feel the degrees of separation...but its cool, we will make it through this...what, what is bliss? Now my baby is about to tie the knot...seems like yesterday when I was taking the pacifier out of her mouth...well it'll be ok, I trust he's the one...wonder if I should purchase a gun? No, no I just have to let go...this is their time...our time together was sublime...what, she's expecting a child, my oh my, my baby will be the mother of a child? This is surreal, but I can't express my pleasure in seeing her smile as she supplies her child with a sip...from the bottle, the way I once did I can just kick back, watch and observe. I love where we are and how things have progressed, praise be to God my family is blessed!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Trees, Leaves and Branches

....just sitting on my back porch wondering just how it could a seed becomes a tree, becomes leaf, becomes branch on the tree. It's actually phenomenal if you give it some a seed becomes a tree. The conditions are not the best when the journey begins...placed in the ground...with layers of dirt all around him. No one knows it's whereabouts...everyone use to talk about him, but now there are no words in their mouths. Obscurity is the seeds new best Facebook friends or Twitter retweets for him. Just seasons of no recognition....if it gives up now, no one would remember him. The struggle is real when you're goingthrough process...not to mention seasons:winter, spring, summer, fall and winter again ~ I digress: but the seed dies. Not itself, rather his will or better yet, it's outer case...a sprout springs it sees the light of day. Just when everybody thought the seed wouldn't make it through, it stands tall and provides shade for me and you. Can you imagine if it had given up...the birds that were destined to place nests in him would have given up. You see they would've thought that giving up was the only alternative, no hope day to day with no words to say...but because of the trees faith, it showed mother bird the way. I said that to say this....whatever you do, don't quit!

Monday, August 24, 2015

......Filthy Rags

It's  the 4th Quarter, the ball is on the one (1) yard line with :02 seconds on the clock. You call a time out to go over the play that you have went over time and time again in practice. Your opposition knows you are going to get the ball so they send in extra defense of lineman to stuff the holes; to make sure that you have no way of getting in. Aware of the strategy of your opponent your team decides to fake the ball to you and have you go out for a quick pass. Focused on stuffing the holes in the line, the defense overlooks you in the end zone all alone. Your quarterback doesn't though; he tosses you the ball, all the fans stand to their feet, the players on each side line watch in silence, the ball comes right to you and just like that you drop the pass. Game Over! The other team rejoices. You sink to your knees in disbelief, the crowd and your teammates gasp as the clock reflects 00:00 on the scoreboard for all to see. Teammates come to your side to give you a hand, but you decline, you just want to sit there. Everyone has vacated the field and return to the locker rooms, but you're still there, trying to figure out how can I drop the ball after  practicing that very same throw, that very same route hundreds of times. Often times in life we miss the mark. Even after knowing all that Jesus did for us, we drop the ball. The most simplest thing, the thing we know we shouldn't do, the very thing He delivered us from, we find ourselves right back in the miry clay. We hate the sin, but deep in our soul we have become infatuated with the sensation or gratification that we get out of the wrong that we've convince ourselves is right. How do we break free. Do we continue in sin because we know that we are forgiven? Do we wait to do that which God has called us away from and shortly thereafter say "I'm sorry Lord" when subconsciously we actually love the mud, the dirt, the miry clay? Certainly not! As a matter of fact, "He became sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God In Christ Jesus" (II Corinthians 5:21). On top of that, "I have been crucified with Christ, its no longer I that live but its Christ that lives in me; the life that I now live in the body I live by faith through the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). We shouldn't go back to what God has already declared us free from. :For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life" (Romans 6:23).  My sin no longer has dominion over me. #believerinChrist

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Effects of Music

Imagine if you will that your mattress was your brain and the frame of the bed was your skull...sounds weird? Well remember, we're imagining; so your brain is the mattress and the bed frame is your skull. Now lets bring music into the equation; the music will be the bed spread, sheets and the pillow case. Oh, I forgot the pillow....let's make the pillow your memory. Now lets run through it quickly: your brain is the mattress, the frame is your skull, the pillow is your memory while the comforter, sheets and pillow cases represent music. From the start we all understand that we do not need sheets, pillow cases or comforter to go to sleep. We have been conditioned over the years that we can not get a good night rest with out them. The truth of the matter is we actually can, but to be quite honest its hard to imagine sleeping peacefully without them. Now back to the topic of impacts or influences our mind. Music is like that comforter, sheet and pillow case. It has a way of surronding itself around us and brining us comfort. Music is like a canvass with the picture already painted. Its intensity speaks without speaking, its colors scream without yelling. Like this painting on the canvass, so is music when it gets into our mind. Music ministers to our spirit and after we wrap ourselves in it we become one with the rhythm, the lyrics wrap themselves around our mind like a headband and it becomes injected into our memory like a sedative that relaxes every fiber of ones being. Music listeners become one with the music, so much so that they can hear the songs replaying in their minds while at work. What's interesting is the music that I once played through an electrical device is now how then am I hearing it replaying in my mind? True it is embedded in our memory, but I submit to you that its deeper than that. The music has gotten into our spirit. There is some truth to what Gloria Estevan said in her song titled, "The Rhythm is Going To Get You." Here's the interesting part you become what you say. What I mean by that is that eventually what you listen to (music specifically) 
will eventually be sung or uttered by you. It will become your words. Music has a way of invoking the image or intent of the writer into our minds. It no longer becomes the writers intent, it becomes our idea. We think about what we're thinking about. Once we cross that threshold we become more like what we have sung or uttered out of our own mouths. Music even has the potential to generate a false reality. I have seen several interviews of rap artist that state, they do not live what they rap. Frustrated over the false reality, it will then set in and ultimately the person or persons that is engulfed into the writers intent will try with all his or her might to bring the fictional portion into their reality. Music causes attitude shifts as well. For the Christian, the wrong music has the ability to block or hinder our prayer life. How so? When we try to worship or have prayer in our prayer closet, we're calling on the name of the Lord and back in the corner of our minds we here "All Eyes On Me" by Tupac. I am not bashing Tupac, but what I am saying is  music can be and will be used by satan to distract us when trying to pray or worship. I often say what you put in is what will come out and often at the wrong time. One day I prayed and asked God about secular music and if its ok for me to listen to. Now before I tell you what He revealed to me let me just say that this is the type of relationship I have with Jesus. I ask Him what He thinks. Not only is He my savior, He's the Lord of my life. I have learned over the years that if you ask God, He will speak. After asking God the question about secular music here's what He revealed to me, "If it does not glorify my name, don't listen to it." Music is powerful....think about it before you let the sound and lyrics of music minister to your soul!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Asking and Telling

The other day I was watching television and I noticed that our 12 year old was up passed her bedtime listening to music, reading and on the computer (all at the same time). I got up from where I was, went to her and reminded her of her bedtime. After giving her the reminder I was surprised at her response. "Daddy, I'm reading, not on the computer." Struggling to understand her response, I became upset and said, young lady, turn off the music, turn off the computer, put the book away and good night." She did as I asked and headed to her bedroom. Shortly thereafter she walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I asked her to come over. She wasn't exactly the happiest person; she sat by me and I asked, "Why are you upset?" She said, "Daddy I wasn't on the computer, I was actually reading, I like listening to music when I read, it makes it easier." I hugged my daughter, kissed her on the forehead and said, "If you had asked me if it was ok to stay up beyond your bedtime, I would have allowed you to. Instead you began to tell me what you were doing and what you would continue to do. If you had only asked, my response would have been different." We embraced again, she smiled and returned to her bedroom. Later that evening I was taking a shower and I got a revelation from my interaction with my daughter. I realized that in the relationship I have with Jesus, I do to Him what my daughter did to me. I began to realize my error in prayer and fasting as well as overall obedience to God. I thought about a scripture, "If you ask anything in my name, I will do it" (John 14:14). I realized that I never really asked God for things, instead I have been telling God what I am going to do. Have you ever done that? We often tell God what we're going to do, then ask Him to bless our plan. Sadly, we treat God as if He was a genie in a bottle that must grant us three wishes. When we do this we create a level of frustration ~ it becomes about our agenda and what we want, when we want and how we want it. Asking changes or shifts the atmosphere and places God on the throne of our hearts and places us in the position of servant. Our dependence should be in Him....He alone is God, and is ready and willing to help...for the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in lack! God is our source and everything else is but a resource....its not about telling God what we are going to do and demanding him to do something about it, but rather asking Him, stepping aside and watching Him do exceedingly, abudantly, far above what we ask or think!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

.....trusting God is not like playing checkers

When I was a child I loved to play checkers. My most fierce competition was my brother Andrew. Those Saturday mornings were 2 out of, no best 3 out of 4! The competition was intense! I use to love to make the  first move...still don't know why I felt like that gave me the advantage...but nevertheless I had its game time and we stare at the board often times staying in that decisive mode for 5 to 10 minutes! Playing checkers was all about me...oh and you better not try to voice your opinion or thoughts on what my next move should be..."I got this" is what I would proclaim to you. Checker players need their space and need to think independently in order to become successful. Outside influences, while in the game, are not helpful nor is it recommended if you want to be better, bigger and boisterous! So how do I tie God into all of this and how is hearing him and listening to him compare to a simple checker game? Well unlike checkers...pursuing God seeking His wisdom is not a one sided affair...His word says, "If any man lacks wisdom let him ask God who gives to men generously without finding fault and it will be given to you" (James 1:5). When walking with God we see as well that the way up is down and what I mean by that is, "Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt you" ( James 4:10). Checkers requires only you: your intellect, your wisdom, your insight so to speak...when you interpret that you get: I, I, I, Me, Me, Me....which equates to a prideful outlook on things.  We know clearly that, "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall" (Proverbs 16:18). One thing that I noticed about checkers (and I hope you have too) is the fact that they do not speak neither do they have the capability to speak. While walking with God you soon discover that He speaks. Not only does He speak He will direct your path, when you trust in Him with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5). Over time I have learned how to hear Him when He speaks and follow His lead. I must admit that I struggled to understand how to follow His lead. After learning how to hear His voice, I would take it and run with it without actually praying  before I attempted to describe what I believed He meant when He spoke. It's not that its difficult its a matter of breaking away from being in control or better yet doing it my way. When I played checkers against my brother Andrew I didn't seek God's council (didn't need to) I made my own decisions and my own moves. Often times in life we pray earnestly and are certain we feel that God is leading us in a certain direction. In spite of the clarity we receive in the spirit, we move contrary to what was revealed. God may be leading you to leave your city or a particular job, etc. Without seeking Him more one may assume that "I have to leave tomorrow" when that may not be the case. Seek God when you hear Him, when you desire to know more. God is a speaking God and where He leads He guides and where He guides He provides. When God spoke to Abraham, "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you" (Genesis 12:1). Abraham was "looking for a city whose builder and maker was God" (Hebrews 11:10). Trusting God is not like playing  checkers....but I encourage you to trust Him when you can't trace Him...know that your life is in His hands. Let Him take the wheel, it's a lot easier riding in the backseat.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Faith...Like a Mustard Seed

We all know that a lot is better than a little bit...but what about when it comes to our faith? Now it is important for us to increase our faith and that does happen as we continue to grow in grace and in our relationship with Christ Jesus. So what is faith? Webster and has their meaning but I would rather refer to scripture or God's word. According to scripture "faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). I can remember when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I struggled with believing  things without seeing them first. I guess you can say I was sort of like Thomas. Who was Thomas you ask? Well he was one of the disciples that was not present when Jesus manifested himself to the other 10 disciples after His resurrection (Judas had hug himself after betraying Jesus). The other 10 told Thomas that they had seen the Lord...Thomas' response? "Unless I see Him...unless I see the nail prints and put my finger in them, unless I see his side where they pierced Him and put my hand there, I will not believe." What was Jesus' response? A week later the disciples were in the house and this time Thomas was with them and Jesus manifested again. Jesus told him to place his finger in the nail prints and told him to stretch out his hand and touch where they pierced him in His side. Thomas' response? "My Lord and My God." Jesus then said, "Thomas because you have seen me you believe, but blessed are those that believe and have not yet seen." Before faith settles there is doubt and speculation. Even if we are heralds' of  faith, there will be those that won't believe. One of the most amazing things I have ever heard about or read is what a father told Jesus after bringing his son to Him. The man desired for his son to be healed. Jesus asked if he believed, the man answered, "Lord I believe, but help my unbelief." (Mark 9:23-25). That was a profound statement. Nevertheless, I always wondered, what if I struggle with believing?

What if our faith is not great like those that actually saw Jesus or like those that may have had
 some amazing experience during our day and age? Well I found comfort in "faith like a mustard seed." Jesus put it like this, "He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you (Luke 17:6). Jesus also said, "Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them (Mark 11:23). The key is not having doubt. It's not easy at first, but as we grow in grace and in our relationship with Jesus it becomes apart of us....Lastly, I have a question for you...have you ever seen a mustard seed? It can fit in the center of your's very small. It doesn't take a lot but it does require for us  to eradicate doubt; for first we must believe that God exists and that He is a rewarded of those that diligently seek Him.

A.G. Wells

Friday, April 3, 2015

What if God Were in a Bottle?

What if God were in a bottle - and you could purchase Him for $1....inserting four quarters in a machine, take a sip and wipe your lip...would you want to finish it? Just place it in the fridge and call it a day...there is really nothing else to say ~ What if Jesus were in a bottle...would you seek him out? Would you partake of the beverage or just pour it out? What if the Holy Spirit was chilled and strategically placed next to the Budweiser? Would you choose the Spirit of Christ or the latter? I said that to say this...and no this is not something you add to your playlist...nowadays the things we choose often come with a price tag...good marketing and advertising is what makes us glad....and pushes us to make a decision quick and fast....without second guessing our decision even if it was bad....but there is a decision that you and I have to make that doesn't cost a thing...this one comes with no attachments or strings...our decision is sort of like a noun which touches on three things: *person, place and things* The person is "You" the place,  Heaven or Hell" and the thing is "Eternity"  - There is a message in the bottle and it reads: *Break the bottle and let God out...don't compartmentalize Him...receive His love, accept His only begotten Son, Jesus as your Lord & Savior.


Friday, March 13, 2015


Here you come again with those smiles which are only pretend. 
Your hand shake is also fake, this nonsense I can no longer take. 
You talk about me when I'm not around.... 
I heard about it while I was downtown. 
I see you coming down the street.... 
I wonder today which face I will meet. 
Today it's the face that smiles... 
While inside of you the other face howls
Like a wolf on the top of a hill, while on the outside you appear to be still
For you I pray and hope the love of God reigns all day
Because only God can make your two-faces one
And in the process you can get to know His Son. 

A spirtual make over is what you need
Spiritual surgery is the key...
But as along as you keep your two-faces....
What I am saying to you will only be an oasis.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Have you ever received forgiveness from up above?
 Have you ever experienced true love?
Does your relationship fit perfectly like a hand and glove? 
Have you ever betrayed the one you love?
Has your lover ever put you on hold?  
When your lover placed you on hold, did it grieve your soul?
Can you trust yourself? 
 Have you ever considered seeking professional help?
Can you count your friends on one hand? 
If you got sick, would they come by your bed and stand?
Are you madly in love with our mate? 

 Before you made the commitment to marry did you date?
Can you remember them all with whom you had sex?  

Were you left with any self respect?
Have you experienced the word reject? 

 In your life, have you done it all?
Have you ever experienced a fall?  

 When you die, where do you want to go?
Heaven or Hell?

Have you made your choice?
Would you like to walk through heavens pearly gates?
Have you ever received the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart by faith?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Inside Job

When was the last time you visited the dentist? Really.....3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years?  Uh Oh.......

Really, it should be a place that we all become familiar with - if not we run the risk of developing undetected issues within our mouths that could potentially cause serious damage...even death

Cleaning - a cleaing is easy right? I... guess it depends on the severity of one's teeth - you see if we practice "cleaning at home" the cleaning in the dentists office is not all that bad. If we don't practice cleaning at home then we are shameful when the "dentist appears" why? Because it is our individual responsibility to take the time out and make sure that we are cleaning, however, shame is made manifest to those that fail to take the initiative and do the cleaning themselves.

Filling - filling is necessary but not everyone needs it, or do they - they only person or persons that readily receive the notion of being "filled" or having their teeth filled are those that recognize the need or the deficiency; the person that has less need of "filling" look to themselves and how "well kept, well groomed of a job "they did on their teeth" that may be true but the individual still needs to submit to the procedure or the in depth examination - Examination is a revelation of the situation that has occurred on a day to day, week to week, month to month basis in a persons life

Root Canal - the most painful type of interaction in a dentists office - a root canal is a serious problem that if it is ignored, infection can develop - the infection can get in the blood stream, travel to the heart and cause cardiac arrest.

What in the world am I talking about?

From a spiritual standpoint we need to stay clean, how does one become clean - through the washing of the WORD (God's Word) - The individual needs to call on the name of Lord and they will be saved - confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead - Have you made your choice?

Filling -  we need to be filled - not our teeth but we - individually need to be filled with the Holy Spirit - because the Holy Spirit is the "Dunamis" Dynamite....we need to be filled to function in that which God has called us to effectively and to live right - holy and acceptable unto God

We always have to be willing to get to the root of the matter - because hurting people, hurt people, if we refuse to deal with our inner most feelings, hang-ups, hurts, short comings - we will be unable to progress towards our destiny.

#Inside Job

Monday, February 2, 2015

Beauty on the inside

My co-worker received a beautiful  bouquet of flowers this past week. Initially, the flowers were closed, but the beauty was still evident as well as confirmed by the passerby's. Their ooooo's and ahhhh's let me know that they weren't observing the natural beauty of the flower, but rather what they saw from a distance. What was interesting as well was the fact that the passerby's were more concerned with who possessed them and who purchased them opposed to the flower itself. The flower was alive, not dead and amazingly it was looking for an opportunity to reveal it's inner beauty. Compliments can't make it grow neither can ooooo's and ahhh's. That's good for the person that is in possession of the flower, but what about the flower? In the right environment and in the presence of those that understand that beauty lies within...that individual will be able to readily meet the true needs of the flower. This is more than oooo's and ahhh's, it's being able to release the closed areas within the flower. Well back to my co-worker's flowers...I took my eyes off the flower for a moment and to my amazment, the flowers that were once closed were now open! This gave me the opportunity to see within the flower. I saw things I've never seen, the extension of it's petals and the illustrious colors within. I said that to say this: people are like flowers....folks often see the outside and are quick to comment on how "fine" and "sexy" she is or how "tall dark and handsome"he is....never realizing that there are areas in their life that are closed off, shut down or undeveloped. We are more than physical specimens with incredible anatomy...we have a soul and spirit....where my co-worker and I sat was directly under a light...the flower was purchased at the right time and positioned on the desk at the right place to receive the exact amount of light needed to cause it to open...if the people we have surrounded ourselves with can't cause a self discovery of sorts or help us bring out the beauty within, it may be time for us to change our circle #Beauty on the inside  

Monday, January 26, 2015

Are you prepared for your departure?

Can you recall to mind the preparation that takes place prior to you heading to the airport to catch your flight? Prior to your departure you pack everything, you conduct a thorough walk through in your hotel room to make sure that nothing is left behind....and then it's check out you're focused because the systematic steps taken prior to  your arrival at the airport has aligned your mind with the departure...but there's yet another process: check in baggage, go through security check points and get to the gate that is essentially the doorway to your departure....this is also applicable to school, work and life. Elementary, Middle School, High School and College...each division requires progression or progress which ultimately leads to the students work there are three positions: you can resign, be layed off or get any case you should be prepared to leave and move to bigger and better things....or embrace the fact that the company has decided they no longer want to retain you...nothing lasts forever and being prepared keeps you in far as life is concerned, no matter your economic status, neighborhood you live in, or the type of car you drive, you will ultimately cross the bridge called death...folks don't like talking about it perhaps that is why we have so many people not ready or prepared for death....when we're not prepared we leave our family and loved ones to figure out how the burial and services will pan out.  Spirituality speaking each of us has to make a decision in regards to where we want to spend eternity....heaven or hell...thousands of people complain about the smothering summer heat, but if they fail to prepare for eternity by confessing with their mouth the Lord Jesus and believing in their heart that God raised Him from the dead they shall be saved" they will find themselves in far worse conditions (i.e., a firey furnance)...before you exit this life into eternity....I encourage you to choose Christ for your life    #Areyoupreparedforyourdeparture?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Do you have change?

Has anyone ever come to you at the mall, church or work and ask, "Do you have change?" Quite frankly, it's going to be a yes/no either have it or you don't.  The next time someone asks you, "Do you have change?" check out their response if your answer is no....that person is disappointed,  but not discouraged because he or she is going to find change for that $5, $10 or $20 bill.  I actually did this one day....someone asked me for change at work, but I did not have it....this individual was like, "All man, Tonio, it's cool though" I watched this person go around our department until he was able to locate change....shortly thereafter he passed by my desk with a bottle of water and said,  "I sure was thirsty."  Life is similar to this..people around us are in need of change simply because they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. However if we are not in possession of change we will be incapable of invoking change in layman's terms: you can not give what you do not possess. There may be people in close proximity of you that are thirsty spiritually, need someone to speak life into them, but if you have yet to experience change and/or be impacted by that change you will miss opportunities to help others experience the exhilarating effects of true change that can propel them to their destiny...."if any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new" 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Do That, Hear That, Get That

Truth be told, all of us, I mean every single person that has walked this earth had a struggle. When I say struggle I am referring to that thing that brings shame and at times disgust. You know the thing that you promised God you'd never do again, "if you get me out of this Lord...I'll never do it again."  Its crazy, even though you know it's secretly pursue it with reckless abandon, why? Because "it feels so good." You've prayed with friends and family, stood in the prayer line at church, convinced yourself that you didn't need him, her or it, but two weeks later you're back at it gets to the point that you get tired of praying....that transitions to inconsistent church attendance...which transitions to spiritual lethargy. How do I get out of this revolving door of sin? I like to compare it to having a mouse or rat in your go from squeaky clean to having a rat in your house raises some eyebrows...the first thing you would have to do is admit that it's there...if you ignore it you give the rodent the potential  to increase or duplicate itself by having would have to "Do That"   admit that its there and obtain a trap or instructions that will tell you exactly where to place the you have to "Hear That" Your sleep pattern needs to be altered in order for you to hear the sound of the trap...the sound of the trap is an indication that you have to confront the thing that caused you to alter your sleeping pattern "Get That" Now go get the rat that's stuck in the trap....don't send anyone else, you go "get that" there may be some hesitancy because the tail is still moving, but you must take it up and throw it out!  So it is with us...we have to "Do That" read God's word...not only should we read it, we need to make the application to our lives...doing so serves notice to the person, place or thing and reminds them who we are and whose we are...We "Hear That" when God's word has been applied to our hearts...His word speaks...It's going to alter your sleep patterns,  but that's ok, you'll hear it in the spirit before you see it in the natural which gives you the advantage....and lastly,  "Get That" doing this shows engagement in the battle...your pastor can't do this for have to want to be made whole...God is ready and wiling to break every chain....we have to be ready and willing to let it go!! "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Progression is often confronted by oppression simply because progression will soon release a multitude into their promise land. The enemy was ok when you were status quo....or "stagnate in Egypt"... Some of the attacks that you have been experiencing lately are coming from your future.  The enemy doesn't know all things, but he knows some things and the one thing that's  making him nervous is you discovering  your purpose. Now that you know why you're here you have become a beacon of light to those that are are inspiring more people then you realize and as a result of that, the enemy has assigned one of his imps to distract you from building...but whatever you do, dont come down.  You see it's bigger than's about the message of hope, the good news, the gospel, the assignment given to you in this hour. The enemy desires for you to build a tent in your past....for some its alcohol, for others it's the opposite sex or the wrong relationship, for some its drugs, for some it's the love of money or better yet the thing that God delivered you from...when you progress pass those things,  the enemy will attack your mind to make you second guess your  deliverance and what God told you to do....but remember God's word His word "a workman not ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth"....but our enemy is relentless....once the application of the word has taken place, the enemy will send people to attack you and the word of God that has been sown in your heart ...not physically,  but rather on a spiritual level....they will challenge you and cause you to feel that you have done something wrong. There will be times when you feel like  you're going against the is during these times that you should rest in Him....because it is God that created the wind! No weapon formed against you shall prosper #Peacebestill #winning